More - rendering versus photo

Our 'Exhibit Rendering or Exhibit Photo' post was quite popular so I thought I would share some more images with everyone.  To be honest, even though I look at these everyday, I am still surprised at what technology allows us to do when designing an exhibit or booth concept.  The graphics may not be the same as the ones chosen for the booth - but exhibit renderings provide us with a great opportunity to see what the final concept will look like on the show floor.

The design and rendering process takes a long time but the outcomes are pretty impressive.  Below are some more rendering versus photo examples of both purchased and rental installations/booths:

Tire Wall for Hyundai Dealership

 at the Wal-Mart Vendor Fair (Rental)

Maple Leaf Foods

at the Wal-Mart Vendor Fair (Rental)

Economical Insurance Group

at the Home Hardware Event (Rental)


10'x20' - 10'x10' (Purchase)